We had our 20 week appointment today. Annnndddddd......... its a GIRL! We are so excited! Here are a few pictures from our UltraSound:
Two blurry little feet... wouldn't keep still long enough for the picture:
Upside Down baby! Feet on top right and head on bottom right, body on the left:
Profile shot... look at that face! You can see a little arm behind it too:
The best part about knowing now is that we get to start picking out cute things :) Here are a few things I'm really excited for, now that we're having a baby girl:
A girly Dr. Seuss room:
Cute dresses and leggings:
Sweet sweaters:
Baby beanies:
In other July/August news, Ryan has been working hard on our deck remodel. Hopefully we'll get that and the fire pit done in time to have a summer BBQ before it gets too late in the year.
We also decided to adopt our sweet Oatus out a couple weeks ago. He is a 4 year old golden retriever that unfortunately was still in his puppy phase, much to hyper and wild to be around a newborn. He went away to a nearby farm with 15 fenced acres, other dogs, cats, sheep and goats - its perfect for him! He loved it there so much it was much that it was pretty easy to say goodbye. Its a better situation for him and better situation for us... A win-win all around! He will be missed though (mostly by Ryan lol... I'm not really a dog person).... but I even found myself missing him a couple days ago when I was making dinner. I dropped some onion on the floor and thought "well I'll just let Oatus inside so I don't have to bend down and pick that up". Fail... :(
My mom came to visit me for a week in July and we baby shopped til we dropped! I have all the staple furniture that belongs in a nursery now. We found some great deals and got to spend some quality time together. My sister Rachel is coming out in early September as well, so we will get to shop for fun girly things! Clothes, decor and so much more :) .... the fun begins!!!!