Well, that was FAST! We are happy to say that we have accepted an offer on our house! And it came to us only a week after we listed our home on the market! After a whirlwind of initial showings, we knew we would find someone that wanted to buy. It was perfect timing as we accepted the offer the day before we left on vacation to Oregon! Currently, we are wrapping up the paperwork and the sale will be finalized on our closing date in October. And we're so grateful that our hard work over the last 2 years will have been well worth it!
Last night we signed a lease for a rental house in CDA, not to far from our current home. Its only a mile from Ryan's work so he's talking about walking or riding his bike. We'll see how he feels about that at 5:30 in the morning though ;) heehee... so for now we are just preparing to move into a smaller home and we are needing to downsize some furniture to make it work for us. It will be interesting - packing and moving with a baby - but hopefully it will be a smooth transition. I was hoping that we would be settled in the new rental house before Maddie starts crawling, however, I'm not sure that is going to happen.... she is so so so close... She can scoot like a crazy person and the other day she practiced so much that she tore a hole in the toe of her PJs! This girl means business...
Our week in Oregon was great! We relaxed and took advantage of the free childcare. We went crabbing, shopping, camping, watched "Guardians of the Galaxy", ate out, roasted smores.... pretty much the works. We were ready to come home though since Madilyn had a hard time sleeping somewhere new. She had a good time seeing her grandparents & aunt Jenae again and visiting her uncle Joe. She just loved him instantly... usually she takes a while to warm up to people but right when we picked him up at the airport she reached her arms out for him. Super weird... But so cute!
Ryan also went salmon fishing with the Rouse guys this past weekend... they had so much fun! And brought back a TON of fish! So much that I don't know what to do with it all... Anyone out there want to take some of it off our hands??? We also have a huge amount of white fish fillets from a previous ocean charter. I'm not a huge fan of fish and I rarely cook it.... So you're all welcome to come browse my freezer :)
Don't mind his facial hair... apparently you have to do weird things to your face when you fish... ;)
Its super hard to believe Madilyn is already almost 9 months old... thats almost a year!!! People aren't kidding when they say babies grow up fast! And seriously... if I had a dollar for every time someone said that to me I'd be rich... Just my opinion, but some of the common cliche` statements made to new parents get kinda old... lol... For example:
1) "Cherish every moment" ... ha. I will cherish most moments, thank you very much! The pooping, puking and screaming moments are not always considered cherish-worthy in my book.
2) "Enjoy your pregnancy!" ... HA. Might have just been my experience, but there were very few things I enjoyed about pregnancy. Obviously it was worth it, but still... not always the best thing to say to a highly hormonal, sick and tired prego.
3) "Your life will totally change!" ... well, duh.
Anyways.... back on topic! Maddie is growing so big! She's 18 pounds now and is babbling all the time. She says "Dada" on accident from time to time, which makes Ryan super happy. She isn't saying "Mama" yet but if my brainwashing technique is successful she will be shortly ;) She is a professional sitter and scooter now, well on her way to crawling. Her other talents include (but are not limited to): happy shrieking, spitting, hair pulling, fake coughing, splashing in the tub, choking on her own spit and waving.
I guess that's all for now! Here's last month's photos:
Dad did this... typical!
At Asher's superhero party... flying above Gotham City!
Just because....