Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Waiting Game

Well.... Its December 22nd, exactly 10 days until my due date. I'm getting antsy! Pretty much doing anything is painful at this point so I can't wait until this little girl is out of my belly. I can't help but think "This is it!" at every little twinge or contraction, however, nothing major has happened yet - although today I've been having more spasms and stabbing pains than usual... Could this be a sign?!? Lets hope so ;)

My Mom came up to help me with some last minute things a couple weekends ago, we made a freezer full of meals and washed/folded about 6 loads of baby things. We cleaned and baby proofed a few areas of the house, so I feel good to go! She will be coming back at the end of December and will hang around until after we have the baby. The rest of my family won't come up until mid-January to meet the new addition, which will hopefully give me a couple of weeks to recover as long as she doesn't decide to be stubborn and come late. PLEASE OH PLEASE let this baby not be stubborn!

Ryan is busy wrapping up some last minute house projects. He just finished installing a wood burning stove after removing the gas stove that came with the house.  We won't have to worry about making a railing to go around it to keep the baby safe until next winter when she is mobile. We're hoping to save money by using it as a major heat source and I think it will pay off! There is something about a wood stove that just makes the house feel more like a home anyway:

Christmas is just around the corner and I've been busy shopping (Amazon Prime is a life saver), wrapping presents and baking! A couple days after deciding we didn't need a Christmas tree this year with everything else going on, I felt like a major Grinch and changed my mind. Ryan went down and bought a tree, set it up and decorated it with my "supervision"... LOL! I wasn't feeling very well so I just pointed to where I wanted the ornaments placed... hahahaa, He is the best!

We decided to just do stockings for each other this year, in an attempt to conserve our Holiday spending. However, a few days ago I noticed 3 rather large boxes under the tree addressed "To Emily from Santa".... Welllllll then... So much for just stockings! Now, in my desperate attempt to avoid holiday shopping at all costs, I began Pinteresting homemade stocking stuffer and present ideas. I came across homemade firestarters - which I thought was perfect since we just put in the wood stove!  I went to work making Ryan a box full of these firestarters... Well, long story short, Pinterest is a BIG, FAT LIAR. For one, these firestarters are not nearly as cute as they were supposed to be. And two, it didn't really occur to me that a stocking full of empty toilet paper rolls stuffed full of dryer lint might not be the most suitable present to get on Christmas Day... LOL... Once I came to my senses (after making about 20 of these firestarters) I decided that this was not a worthy Christmas gift, no matter how desperate I am to avoid department stores right now. I gave them to Ryan early to use and good thing because they don't even work well.... TOTAL FAIL:

Annnddd, we have a stocking for our cat. Yes, we are definitely those weird cat people - Don't judge! Heehee :) Anyway, apparently a more appropriate name for Mozart would be "McGyver". He found his grocery bag of stocking goodies, ripped it apart, chewed a bag of treats open and chowed down early! HOW RUDE! So yes, technically we got duped by a cat. Which is just sad. Here's the culprit after he passed out in a food coma:

My last day of work was Wednesday... I had hoped to last until Christmas Eve but with the way I've been feeling I knew there was just no way that was going to happen. I'm glad to have the 2 weeks off prior to my due date so I can relax (if that is even possible!) and my only responsibility is being massively pregnant. YAY! I ordered a few books to keep me occupied, however, instead of diving into them right away I started re-reading The Hunger Games series for the 4th time... Typical. Ryan doesn't understand my love of repetition, neither do I really. I am aware that I have a few strange habits but I can't help it! ;)

In other exciting news, Ryan won a FREE paid day off work for winning the "Ugliest Hawaiian Shirt" contest at his office's Holiday party. YAY! I had a feeling that he would win when he brought home this little gem to wear... check out this horrifying thing:

Well, that is all for now... Here's to hoping that my next post will have some sweet pictures of our healthy baby! Merry Christmas to you all!

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