Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Life as we know it...

Its March! Maddie is almost 8 weeks old and doing so well. She is starting to smile socially now and its been fun watching her work out her facial expressions. She is usually the most smiley and happy when she is waking up from a nap, a trait she does not get from her mom...

She has slept through the night multiple times now!!! Although, last night she reverted back to 3 feedings - not sure why. Boo.

She also knows who her mom and dad are; I've noticed that she can pick out my voice amidst others and will stare at me when I'm talking. She also gets so happy when Ryan comes home from work and she usually greets him with a couple goofy looking grins :)

We are attempting to take her out of the house now. I have done very little just me and Maddie outside, so I look forward to the weekends when Ryan is off work and we can try to all go out together. However, our outings usually just consist of quick coffee or errand runs.... Which are always soooo EXCITING, let me tell ya ;)  But hey, baby steps. The last thing I want to do is end up in a grocery store half way through my list with a screaming baby and no one there to help me. I'm sure it will happen eventually but I'd first like to build up my tolerance! haha

Speaking of tolerating baby-screaming, 2 month vaccines are happening next week and I'm dreading it. Ryan is going to come with us to hold her down, as I'm sure I will be too busy blubbering uncontrollably... LOL! Looking forward to that ;)

Also, we decided that it will be best for me to stay home full time to take care of Madilyn for a while. So I won't be going back to work this month, but I think its for the best. We can't imagine handing her over to a day care at this point, it makes me feel sick to my stomach to even think about it. I'm not sure how long I'll be at home, we'll just take it one day at a time for now. All I know is that being a good momma is the most important job I'll ever have. Period. I'm excited that spending time with my sweet babe can be my primary focus!

Here's the newest bunch of pictures off my phone... I think I may need some more memory soon! Enjoy :)

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